So far so good. Friday was a good day, I didn't take any pictures cause I kept waiting for the chaos to start and I was on high alert, but it never came. Here's our day:

Mommy starting the day out on a good note, mmmm hot chocolate

The girls watching cartoons

She's smiling, it can't be
THAT bad

working on our tan

everyone is smiling!

...or looking at mommy like she's crazy

ball pit time for Lily!

and tummy time for Miss Emily

how cute is she?

Not hating tummy time today

Oooo, who's in there?

I know that baby from somewhere...

it's 4:00 and we're still smiling!

mommy switched to black and white, she's taking lots of pictures today!

up close and personal

Lily quietly reading about going to the potty

seems interested, but don't let that fool you

it's bedtime, you can stop smiling and go to sleep now little girl