Thursday, July 27, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Lilianna's First Trip to Ottawa

Four generations of women.

Lily and her great grandparents.

Lily and her great grandmother.

Lily meets Allison and Stephanie.

Erin and Lily cuddling together.

Julie couldn't wait to get her hands on Lilianna, who knows, maybe Lily has sped up Julie's biological clock!

Lily and Michelle, I KNOW Lily has sped up Meesh's biological clock!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The "Ooooo" Face
Sunday, July 16, 2006
2 weeks already?

Our little girl is 2 weeks old today, time sure is going fast! It seems like only 20 minutes ago I was in the doctor's office listening to her heartbeat on doppler and wondering if she was a boy or a girl. Jason and I are head over heels for our tiny little angel. She's brought so much to our lives already, we don't even mind the fact we're going on 4 hours sleep a night.

This past week we tackled our issues with breastfeeding (it was looking like it wasn't going to work for a while there) and now she's nursing like a pro...thank god! I hated bottles. Jason's a little disappointed that he can't feed her anymore but he knows it's so much better for her to breastfeed so he's spending a lot of time with her doing other things like rocking, changing and burping her.

Lily's very alert for long stretches in the day now, she's fascinated with everything she sees. She loves bath time and sleeping on mommy's tummy.

Grandma Hewens has had a fun week spending time with her and now we're getting packed up for a short trip to Ottawa to meet everyone. I'm a little nervous about having her in the car so long at such a young age, hopefully she handles it well. We'll see everyone real soon!
Amanda & Lilianna
Monday, July 10, 2006
Too cute for words
Grandma and Grandpa Hewens meet Lily

Grandma and Grandpa Hewens came to visit Lily this week. Grandpa had to go back to Ottawa on Sunday but Grandma is staying for the week. She's soaking up as much Lilianna as she can. Next week we're all heading up to Ottawa so Grandpa can spend some more time with his granddaughter and so Lily can meet auntie April and the rest of her family and all of mommy and daddy's friends.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
A family stroll and tummy time

We took Lily out for her first walk today. She loved her stroller and all the fresh air, it put her right to sleep. Jason pushed her around just beaming with pride.

After our walk we had tummy time. Lilianna demonstrated how she can turn her head from side to side and even push up a bit. We think she's gifted ;)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Lily's First Days
Saturday, July 01, 2006
It's a Girl!
We are thrilled to introduce our precious little girl
Lilianna Elizabeth Goetz

Birthday: July 1st, 2006
Time: 6:59 am
Weight: 6lbs, 15oz.
Length: 21in
Hair Colour: brown with frosted blond tips (so pretty!)
Eye Colour: Blue
At 11:00pm on Friday, June 30th I started getting some contractions with substance. After about 2 hours of those at 10 minutes apart they got stronger and jumped to 6 minutes apart. Jason was a bit nervous about waiting any longer to go to the hospital since it's a half hour away from our house. So I called the birthing centre to see if it was time and while I was talking to the nurse I had a contraction. When it was over the nurse said "yeah....you'd better get in here.". So off we went to Walkerton at 1:30 am on Canada Day. When we got there they checked me and I was at 3 cm and having contractions that lasted about a minute and they were still at every 5-6 minutes. Jason and I went for a little stroll outside and then came back in and played a couple hands of Crazy 8's to pass the time. At about 3:00 I started to get rather uncomfortable so I got into the whirlpool tub to relax a bit, that's where the fun started. My contractions quickly jumped to every 3 minutes and they were peaking 3 times. At about 4:30 I couldn't take it anymore and asked for Fentanol, it's a painkiller that is just supposed to take the edge off and it has no side effects the way demerol does. So before they could give me that they had to check how far I'd come. I'd progressed to 8-9 cm at that point and my contractions were right on top of eachother. It took them about 20 minutes to get me prepared for the drug (it's hard to give someone a needle who's constantly writhing around) and give it to me and I was told it would take effect in about 5 minutes after it was injected. After 3 more contractions I told them it wasn't doing anything! So I got up and went into the bathroom just in time for my water to explode, that was an odd sensation. So back to the birthing bed for me. The doctor was called at 6:30am as well as 2 med students who I said could watch the birth. My doctor just happened to be on call that night so he got there about 5 minutes later. All of a sudden my body took over and the next thing I knew it was pushing for me, that freaked me out. The doctor checked really quick and said I was ready to go and on the next contraction to push. So I did. The first one didn't go so well, I gave up halfway through from exhaustion ( I hadn't slept since 8am Friday morning), the next one brought her right down and I told the doctor "there's no way I can do this for an hour, that baby's coming out on the next one!" Jason says the doctor smiled at him with a "sure it is" expression on his face. He looked completely shocked when I actually did just that. It all happened so fast the student doctors didn't make it in time. It took Jason a second to calm down to tell me it was a girl and she was a tiny little thing. She's completely healthy and, we think, the cutest little girl ever! we're so in love with her and can't even remember what life was like pre-Lily, nor do we care, we're so happy she's here and we can't wait for everyone to meet her.
(Any picture can be seen larger by clicking on it)

Lily and I seconds after birth

An exhausted mommy and baby.

Lily being checked out and warmed up.

Lily opens her eyes!

Proud daddy and daughter

Dr. McArthur watches as a student doctor checks on Lily

Our sleeping angel

Everyone sleeps but mommy

Our new Family
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