We took Lily out for her first walk today. She loved her stroller and all the fresh air, it put her right to sleep. Jason pushed her around just beaming with pride.

After our walk we had tummy time. Lilianna demonstrated how she can turn her head from side to side and even push up a bit. We think she's gifted ;)
Hey you! it's me Jessica!! Mom told me about the website and i had to see it!...the baby's ADORIBLE(spelling???) and i can't wait to see her aswell as the both of you. I am also proud to be yet another second cousin..anyways, take care of yourselves and the beautiful new baby! CONGRATS!!
P.S..mom says that the baby is gorgeous and she can't wait to get her hands on her...as always with new baby's..lol.she also says that she hopes to see you guys when you come down. LOVE YOU LOTS!
ahhhhhhh, that's so awesome. what a cute little gal (knew you were having a girl!) so 3 pushes eh??? wow you were ment to birth children :) congrats to you and and jason and cute little Lily (darren told me her name was Leanna...ahhha) take care adn I'll call you to get the details :) love ya-mona
awwwwww.....how adorable is she??!
Yummm...I bet she smells sooo good!
I am so happy for you all...
Anxiously waiting for the next set of pictures..Keri
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