Wow, 9 months. I can't even believe it. She's getting big so fast, I wish I could slow down the clock. I spend all day with her but it doesn't feel like enough. Everyday she's doing something new and everyday something else doesn't fit anymore. Crazy! Anyways, Lily's had a very busy month. We went to two 1st Birthday parties, one of which was in Kitchener and she was perfect for the drive down even though it was just me and her and she was all alone in the back seat (that's a first for such a long trip). We also had a visit from John and Jen and Isabella, we've been getting a lot of socializing in this month!

The other thing that's been keeping Lily busy is her new Leap Frog activity table. I can't say enough good things about this toy. Before we got it, Lily could only stand at the coffee table for about 5 minutes before she got tired/bored/frustrated and would cry to be put back on the floor or just fall over...and then cry. I picked it up for her last weekend, a public health nurse at baby group suggested I get a little chair and table set to help her learn to pull up, cruise etc... but I thought this looked much more fun. The minute I took it out of the box she was standing at it all on her own. For the first couple of days she just stood there and I had to help her with the toys and make sure she didn't fall (which she did quite a few times). By the third day she was standing without me having to watch her like a hawk and she figured out all the toys. By the fourth day she started dancing to the music! ( I LOVE the dancing!) By the fifth day she was cruising around the table! I have seen such a leap in her progress since I got this thing it's amazing! It's even improved her walking. Before when we'd hold her up to walk around she'd either just stand there or she bounced (darn jolly jumper!), now she's walking in a very straight and determined way, like she knows where she wants to go and she's excited to get there.

awwww xoxox i can't WAIT to see her this month!!! :D
first it's daadaa next it might be grampee, ya think ? I hope so.
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