We had a second party for Lily on the weekend for the Goetz side and our Kincardine friends. It was a beautiful day and everyone had a good time. She was spoiled again of course, but that's what 1st birthdays are for I guess.

The party gets underway

The babies! (Clockwise from Lily) Lilianna, Lucas, Andrew and Liam. Kaitlyn was supposed to come but she and her parents were sick so they couldn't make it. Daddy wasn't too sure about a party with all boys, that won't fly for much longer!

The twins Lucas and Liam enjoying some music in the sun

Daddy and Lily cool off in the pool

Lucas's turn, he wasn't too sure about it all

Andrew trys out the little pool

Lily thought he needed some company and joined him for some splashing

Lily and Lucas having some cracker time

Lily's cake, needless to say I have NO future in cake decorating, but it was tasty!

Happy birthday to you...

This all seems familiar mom...

mmmmm, icing!
I think its lovely! Its a piece D'art! :-) Julie xo
Happy 1st Lily!
Jennifer and Jake
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