Birthday: Thursday, December 4, 2008
Time: 3:21am
Weight: 6lbs 8oz.
Length: 19.75 in
Hair colour: very light brown
Eye Colour: blue
Wednesday night at 9:30 I was cutting Jason's hair (how else do you think we afford this house?!) when I got a sharp pain in my belly. I thought to myself that that wasn't my usual braxton hicks but figured I still had a week to go. Two hours and several painful contractions later I called the birthing centre to see if I should come in cause my contractions, although painful, weren't regular. They said because of my high blood pressure that I should come in and at least get checked out. So I called up Kasey who came over to watch Lily and we headed out to Walkerton. We got to the hospital at 12:30 and by the time I got there my contractions had averaged out to 8 minutes apart and when I was checked I was already 5cm dilated! So I had a nice relaxing soak in the tub and then got out cause the nurse wanted to put in my IV. She checked me again and I was at 8cm, I couldn't believe it, I thought "this is too easy"....I was right! My water broke shortly after and things progressed pretty quickly. Emily Grace came into the world in 2 pushes (beat my old record by 1!) at 3:21am, but that speed came with a price...stitches :(
1 comment:
where did you get your socks? oh and ps you're kid is freaking adorable!!!!!! :) Good job! You guys make the prettiest babies xo meesh
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