I was having contractions after dinner but they were irregular and not too painful. So I was ignoring them. Then they started to get closer together... really close together. They went from 13 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart in about 20 minutes. They still weren't hurting me but I figured with the hospital being 30 minutes away I'd better not foll around. So we called Laurie and headed to the hospital. By the time we got there my contractions had slowed back down to about 10 minutes apart. They checked me and I was about 3-4cm dilated, not enough to be admitted but with my history and how far away we lived they decided to keep me in. We tried everything to get labour going again, walking, stairs, exercise ball, warm bath.... nothing. They thought about breaking my water but Jason and I decided that if he wasn't ready to come out yet we weren't going to force him.
So home we came. It was frustrating and embarrassing (seriously, this is my third kid, you'd think I'd know when I was in labour by now!) and I felt stupid. But they're sure I'll be back soon, like tonight. We'll see.
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