Lily and I were hanging out on my bed tonight waiting for Jason to come home from work. Lily was laying down, straining to see a commercial for the movie Cars, so I sat her up holding her with one hand on her tummy and one on her back. She was so transfixed by the colours on the TV that I thought to myself, what if I take away the hand I have on her back, so I did and she was still sitting straight up. So then I moved my hand from her tummy and she sat there, perfectly straight staring at the TV. I got so excited and started to scan the room for my camera, which of course I had left down in the family room! She turned and looked at me and then, as if she realized what she was doing, she started laughing. So I jumped up and ran downstairs after praising her for being such a big girl and by the time I got back she was still sitting up, albeit not as straight, but all by herself! Another milestone.
Hurray for Lily!!!!! :-) Happy B-day to mommy aka Amanada today Nov 6! Julie xox
I love this kid's smile!! :)
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