We experimented with Pablum today, what a hoot! Lily's still a bit young for solids, and we wanted to wait until christmas, but she's been eating every hour lately so her doctor said we could give it a try. She hasn't quite gotten rid of the tongue reflex yet so getting pablum to the back of her mouth was challenging, but she seemed very interested with the whole process. We'll keep trying until we get it right!

What's going on? Why am I sitting in this thing?

This isn't a bottle...

Ooooo, this is interesting!

I'm not too sure I like this mommy...

Let me help you mom.

Hey, this stuff isn't that bad!

Daddy, I'm just eating cereal, it's not that big of a deal, you can stop taking pictures.

Hi grandma and grandpa!

Can we do this again?
what a freakin' cutie pie!!!
She is too cute! I so remember that stage. Wait until she tries peas for the first time!
Uh oh, what happens with peas? I'm scared!
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