Here's Lily, 6 months old and so pretty in the dress Great Grandma Brown knitted for her. Our beautiful blue-eyed girl has been up to so much over the past month. She's mastered rolling over from her tummy to her back (1 way only) and now it's impossible to keep her on her tummy. Guess she won't be a crawler! She "talks" incessantly, but we're still waiting for the first mama and dada. And now that she's gotten a little taller, she can lift those chubby little legs of hers and walk around the room, provided we hold her up under her arms of course. She had her first christmas and made it through her first Brown Family get-together. As anyone at the reunion can attest to, Lily's eating solids like a pro now. She's working her way through all the fruits and veggies with only Turnips causing her to turn up her nose. It's been a busy month, I think I can safely say I'm not the only one glad that we have a bit of quiet at-home time for the next little while. It'll give us a chance to work on that whole mama thing!
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