Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thank You Baby Whisperer!

Lilianna is an absolute joy. She is always smiling and always happy...until 6:00pm comes around, and then she's a different kid. At least she was until I discovered the Baby Whisperer. Oh my god, that book has saved my sanity! It was like clockwork, 6pm would hit and she'd become fussy, whiney and very noisy. Putting her to bed took 2 hours most nights as she'd fall asleep only to wake up 2 minutes later screaming and then I'd have to rock her to sleep. Then she got up evey 2 hours to eat. I was running on empty for a while there! Now she naps regularly, sometimes for 2 hour stretches, she goes to bed all on her own and it usually takes about 10 minutes for her to fall asleep, she only wakes up once in the night and now she's a happy kid all day. Not to say that she never gets fussy, but it's 1000 times better! Now instead of crying when she wakes up cause she didn't get enough sleep, this is the baby I find...
Good morning mommy

No rush mom, I'm just talking to my toys

What?! I slept through the whole night! Lambie, why didn't you wake me up?


Anonymous said...

What is a baby whisperer? Does it sing? She look so pretty in the morning :-) julie xo

Jen_n_Jake said...

I love naps!!!! I especially love naps after you discover that your child is a napper!!!! The second Jake gets cranky, to bed he goes. Leaves me with a very happy kid.

side note: have you upgraded to the new blogger? Still debating, wanting to hear that someone else has done it so I can hear it's good without risking my entire site.