Time sure is flying by! Lily is so talkative all of a sudden, she's always chirping away, to her toys, to us, to the sofa, it doesn't seem to matter! She's full of stories. She's sleeping like a champ now which is awesome, I can finally finish watching a whole episode of Grey's Anatomy! She's rolling back and forth all over the place and is desperately trying to crawl so I put her on her tummy as often as I can. She still loves her Jolly Jumper and exersaucer, she's a bouncer. Food is going really well, the only thing she really doesn't like is turnips, but they'e pretty strong tasting so I don't blame her really. I'm starting to wean her slowly, she has 2 bottles a day now and I plan to bump that up a feeding every 2 weeks or so. I'm dying for a caffeinated drink! I should mention that the dress she's wearing was a christmas gift from her Great-Aunt Nancy, thanks Nancy, it fits and it's super-cute! We were at playgroup on Tuesday and this little 10 month-old boy Andrew was crawling by her and as he passed she reached out and smacked his butt...we're going to have trouble with this one!
what a cutie!!! i love the dress :)
Obvioulsy she's taking after her Auntie Michelle hehe
She's gorgeous! :-) I am sure Daddy wont let Lily have a boy-friend until she like 25! :-)
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