My friend Kaitlyn turned 1 on August 1st and we went all the way to
Oakville for her party. I was a really good girl on the trip. We had tons of fun, there were so many other kids there. It was too hot to go outside so we stayed indoors all afternoon ,but that's okay cause Kaitlyn's mommy is opening a daycare and so she has
a lot of toys. Kaitlyn and I got along really well but I couldn't understand why she wouldn't just get up and walk, I tried to help her by picking her up by her shirt a few times but she didn't like that. I hope I get to see her again soon!

The birthday girl

I'll race you to the back door Kaitlyn!

I let you win cause it's your birthday, look there's your mommy

I'm going to go find my mommy!

There you are mom!

Uh huh....uh huh....that's a nice story, so when do I get to open presents?

Baby camouflage

Lily, where are you going? Can you bring me back a cookie?

Like my manicure?

Let's see what we have here...

Kaitlyn and her mommy and daddy (Kelly and Mike)
Oooooo, neat!

This is the gift I gave Kaitlyn, I think she likes it!

Okay, presents are done, we get cake now right?

Here teddy, you eat this while I have cake.

Me and Kate...and my tongue

Here Kaitlyn, I'll read you a story cause I'm older

This girl's crazy, she's not making any sense, I'm outta here!
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