Well, seems like this baby is just as secretive as it's older sister was. We had an ultrasound today and there was no way to tell if it is a boy or a girl. The baby was being very uncooperative. It was positioned laying on it's side (parallel to the ground) with it's head pointed to the right and turned away towards my spine. The ultrasound technician had a real hard time getting the images she needed for the exam cause everywhere she went the baby turned away! She managed to get this shot as the baby was rolling away from her and she said it was the only time she saw it's face. She also said it's pretty likely I'll need to come in for another one in a month cause she doesn't think the doctor will be satisfied with the images she captured so we may get another chance and figuring out what we're having.
The more the mystery the more it is. As long as it's healthy the wait is nothing.
Sorry I ment to say, The more the mystery the better it is.
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