The Bulk Barn just opened here so I thought I'd give cake decorating a whirl...

...little did I know how flippin' long it would take. This part took me an hour!

The whole cake took me 3 hours to decorate...I think next year I'll be hitting the bakery counter at Sobey's!

Lily and Aunt Denise playing with the kitchen set from Uncle Darin, Aunt Cheryl, Nicole and Stephanie. Lily spent a very quiet 2 hours playing here with the dishes and food. What a great gift!

Lily's first car!

Lily and Andrew trying to make a 1 seater into a 2 seater
while Cam patiently waits for his turn.


Beep Beep! I'm here for cake!

Lily smiling away as everyone sings happy birthday

Mommy helping to blow out the candles cause Lily was just too distracted

Kasey supervising the kids with their cake and ice cream

messy faces and hands everywhere

Poor Andrew, whoever came up with black icing obviously didn't test it on kids shoving cake into their mouths with their hands! Everyone was stained!

Lily trying out her new bubble mower after everyone went home.
It was a great party. Lily was spoiled and had a great time running around with her little friends. She heard everyone's phone messages and wants to say thank you for the happy birthdays and presents!
Wow what a fantastic job on the cake!
HAPPY BIRFDAY LILY!!!! - jennifer
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