Lily reading the Sears WishBook while we pack the car

Our cute little cabin

Jason and Lily getting a lay of the land

the "kitchen"

the bathroom, shower to the left, toilet to the right

Jason hanging our clothes line

our cooking area

Lily watching cartoons while we unload the car

Mickey, Jason and Phil putting up the screen tent

Emily enjoys playing outdoors

Mary Dopp and her first grandson Kieran

the Dopp clan: PJ, Linda, Randy, May and Kieran

Screen tent is
still going up...


still playing...

... hey, where did Jason go?

Kieran and his Aunt Linda

Mocha Dopp

thumbs taste good outside too

Lily had to start helping with the tent cause the men-folk were taking forever!

Proud of their accomplishment

Camping playpens

the Camping Crew
left to right: Randy, PJ, Jason, Emily, Lily, Linda, Mickey, Mary, Kieran, and Phil

first fire of the weekend.
About 2 minutes after this picture was taken a wicked storm started and everyone had to run for cover!

back at the cabin riding out the storm, play time before bed time

tickle tickle!

they were having so much fun!

tuckered out for bed
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