Monday, August 28, 2006

My how we've grown

Guess it's time to pack away this outfit!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sleeping Angel

Lilianna has started sleeping through the night...and then some! She's been doing 7-8 hour stretches the past couple of nights and all her regular naps during the day. Ah sleep, how we've missed you!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Grandma and Grandpa time

My mom and dad visited us this week,
well, who am I kidding, they came to see Lily!

Here's Grandpa feeding Lily. why should mommy have all the fun?

Lily and her grandparents.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Houston...we have Smiles!

Getting Lilianna's smile on camera has proven to be harder than getting a clear shot of a Yetti. Her actual first "real" smile happened on Monday the 14th while I was changing her diaper and singing about what we were going to do that day. Ever since then I've spent every waking moment making silly faces and singing to her to get her to smile. I never seem to have the camera pointed at her when she does though. But today, with Grandma's help I caught it, so without further ado, here it is!
What's grandma doing?

Tickle Tickle

Here she goes!

Our happy girl

Practically squealing!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Our Family

This picture was taken at grandma and grandpa Goetz's 50th Anniversary party in Kitchener. Uncle Darin can make anyone look good on camera...even mommy!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A Windy Day at the Beach

We took Lily to the beach for the first time today, and she slept the whole time. It was a beautiful day today so we thought a little stroll down the boardwalk would be a nice way to spend the afternoon. I can't wait to see Lily running down the beach in her little swimsuit carrying a pail and shovel, guess that will have to wait until next summer!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Our Cover Girl

Lilianna's getting used to the constant flashes in her face. She's started to perfect her model pout.


After several weeks of indifference and at times jealousy on Marty's part, he finally broke down and made friends with Lily.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mommy Rant - Diapers *UPDATE*

8 diapers into the Huggies and 5 of them have leaked.....

Friday, August 04, 2006

Mommy Rant - Diapers

Okay, so before Lily was born I was at Costco with my mom and thought, hey, why don't I save myself some money and check out the cost of diapers here! So I waddled over to the diaper aisle and did some price comparisons. The Kirkland brand of diapers was far less expensive (go figure) than Pampers or Huggies so I bought a box of 260 diapers thinking I was pretty smart. Well, I got so many packages of Pampers Swaddlers for shower gifts and from the hospital that for the first 3 weeks that's all we used, and they're fantastic by the way. The day came that we ran out of the Swaddlers and I cracked open the box of Kirkland's. Every single friggin' Kirkland diaper I've put on Lily has leaked. I go to her in the middle of the night and her bed and onesie is soaking wet, or even better, I'm breastfeeding her and I feel her poop and then an odd warm sensation starts spreading across my stomach and I lift her and my shirt is covered in poop! I finally had enough this morning and sent Jason to the store for "real" diapers, something brand name, whatever is on sale I said. So he comes back with Huggies, perfect! So I open the on-sale-but-still-super-expensive bag of Huggies to put them away and to my utter horror, THEY'RE THE SAME DIAPERS AS THE KIRKLAND BRAND. Kirkland diapers are quite obviously made by Huggies. So now I have about 300 crappy (no pun intended) diapers that are going to cost me a fortune in Ivory Snow from all the laundry I'm going to be doing. I've learned my lesson, Pampers from now on!

Now here's a picture of Lily for your patience in listening to me rant and rave :)

Who's that baby staring at me?!

Lily has discovered a playmate in the mirror of her Heffalump mat. She was quite excited, kicking her little legs and making excited breathing sounds. Now if only that baby would stop copying everything she does....

Mommy's Girl

Sometimes I have a really hard time putting her down to sleep.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Heat Wave

Keeping cool in this heat wave is hard for a little baby like Lily. You'd think it would make her sleep but it's actually keeping her up most of the time. Luckily, our friends Devin and Laurie just moved into their new house and they gave us their air conditioner which is keeping parts of the house at a reasonable temperature for most of the day. Thanks guys!

I'm a big girl

Our milk-drunk baby

Lily getting a bit more perspective on her surroundings

Everything's okay with me!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Baby Shower #2

Guess what? I'm 1 month old today!

The shower was at our house but thrown by Grandma Goetz, Aunt Denise, Aunt Sue and Michelle and Lindsay. We played fun games, ate some yummy food and sweated in the heat!

Aunts, cousins and friends came and Lily was spoiled again.