Thursday, April 30, 2009

Breakfast with Emily and Lily

Can you pass the city section?

I've got 2 pieces of toast left

are you kidding me? I had no idea peanut butter had THAT many calories.

strawberry yum, strawberry yum. whipped creeeeeeeam, I've got some on my bum!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Kanata Wave Pool

We attempted to take Lily to the Kanata Wave Pool. It's a very long story that boils down to paying to get in, no waves that day, being asked to leave 15 minutes later cause they didn't have enough life guards (there were maybe 20 people there) and then having to fight with 5 people to get my money back. Needless to say I will NEVER go back, next time I'm going to Ray Friel!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lunch with Auntie April at the Rainforest Café

April meets Emily for the first time

Our table, complete with animatronic mama and baby elephant

Lily colouring before lunch arrived

Emily looking freaked out during the Thunderstorm

they're moving! the elephants are real!

poor Lily ate most of her lunch hiding her eyes, the elephants were a bit much for her

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jolly Jumper!!!

Emily has caught Jason and Lily's cold, so to cheer her up I dug out the Jolly Jumper. She was pretty hesitant at first but started to get into it. Something tells me it'll be her favourite activity soon.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spoke too soon...

Well last night was rough. Emily spiked a fever and couldn't sleep. The poor little bug, she was up most of the night and hasn't been her usual cheery self. But I brought up the exersaucer and that seemed to cheer her up. Hopefully tonight will go easier.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I just had my shots, can you tell?

Emily had her 4 month vaccinations today. She did really well only crying a bit with the second shot. She got a little cranky after on the ride home but after a nap she was right as rain!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter with the Girls

Lily playing with her new bubbles

that's a HUGE bubble!

Just call her Pippy Longstocking

Emily thinks Lily is hilarious

smile for mommy

and no smiles, 12 pictures and not a single smile

Lily riding in the John Deere Power wheels at Aunt Denise's. She had a go at driving but wasn't a fan.

Emily playing in our borrowed Bumbo, gonna have to get one...

snuggles with Lindsay

Lily found the bag of dress-up stuff

Friday, April 10, 2009

My "big help"

Lily "helping" me make chocolate suckers for Easter

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Stroller!

We got it on March 23rd and have been out a few times with it now. I LOVE it. I had it with Lily up front for a bit and now I've switched them so Lily can do the sit or stand at the back which she LOVES. It's lightweight, fits in the back of my SUV no problem and it's easy to steer. All for $159.99!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

I'm 4 months old today!

Emily is growing by leaps and bounds. She's in 3-6 month and 6 month clothes now! She's about 16lbs (we'll know for sure next week when she goes for her 4 month shots). She's a good eater (obviously) and she's becoming very interested in what we're eating at the table. She HAS to sit on my lap at dinner and spends the entire time watching Jason eat with a huge smile on her face. It's pretty cute. I'm trying to get her to go to sleep at a semi-decent time now. Midnight is no longer working for me. I'm sure it's going to be quite the power struggle.

Silly Girls

damn paparazzi always following me!

ha ha, that was my Britney Spears impression, what did you think mommy?

hey look, there's Lily

um, mommy, what is she doing?

I'm not sure if I trust you...

she did things to my toes mommy

mommy, one of Emily's piggies is in my pocket if you're looking for it