Monday, March 29, 2010

Lily'd Class trip to the Fire Station

On the bus ready to go

all the excited kids and their moms

Lily anxious to go in

waiting for the tour to begin

checking out the scary fireman in all his gear

sitting in the truck, this was the highlight of the trip for the kids

Lily didn't want to get out

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lily's First Date

I took the girls with me today to meet some high school friends for ice cream and to catch up. Jennifer brought along her two boys and Lily and Jake totally hit it off. After they finished their ice cream they chased each other around the restaurant for about an hour. We then headed over to Indigo where they walked hand in hand and stopped for the occasional hug. Their wedding is already being planned.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Goetz 3 Caught on Camera

There's our little one at 12 weeks. The baby is growing right on schedule and look great! Mama's a little tired of feeling sick and tired but it comes with the territory. It sure is speeding along fast!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daddy's Hockey Groupies

Daddy had his annual Hockey playoffs today, his team didn't make the gold medal game. But we were there cheering him on anyways!